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You Need Strong Advocates During Times Of Legal Turmoil

Why warehouse workers often sustain repetitive stress injuries

Warehouses are known to be busy places. Unfortunately, while in a rush to get things done, workers can gradually sustain repetitive stress injuries (RSIs).

What the warehousing industry may overlook as simple sprains and strains may actually be serious muscle, nerve, ligament and tendon injuries caused by overexertion.

The nature of warehouse work

Warehouse jobs generally involve various physical tasks, from lifting and carrying heavy loads to constant standing and repetitive motions. The very nature of the work puts immense strain on the musculoskeletal system, making workers susceptible to RSIs over time.

Long working hours combined with the monotony of repetitive tasks can also create a breeding ground for stress injuries. The continuous performance of the same motions can lead to strain on specific muscle groups, joints and tendons, laying the foundation for chronic conditions.

Common repetitive stress injuries in warehousing

One prevalent RSI among warehouse workers is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). The constant use of tools and equipment and repetitive hand and wrist motions can compress the median nerve, causing pain, numbness and tingling sensations.

In addition, the consistent lifting of heavy objects can contribute to lower back strain, a prevalent issue in the warehouse environment. Lack of proper lifting techniques and inadequate ergonomic support can exacerbate the risk, leading to chronic back problems.

Tendonitis, inflammation of the tendons, is another common RSI in warehousing. The repetitive nature of tasks strains tendons, particularly in the arms, shoulders and legs, causing pain and limiting mobility.

The high incidence of repetitive stress injuries among warehouse workers underscores the need for ergonomics in the warehousing industry. If you believe you’ve sustained a repetitive stress injury due to unfavorable working conditions, you may want to consider pursuing workers’ compensation benefits accordingly.


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